
It's a false-blog. But it's true, what it contains.

How things are now...

2009.01.24. 16:40 pgreg

Hello Anett again,

You are the only person, who has received information from both parties, this is what makes you a fair-minded judge. Apart from that, I think you are well-balanced anyway and candid. I like that you're open and truthful. I trust you.

Moving on to the point. How should I put it? (Come on, Gergő, come out with it, spit it out!) It would be much easier if she had sent me to hell claiming she loves him, he loves her, declaring they are fine with each other and I was only a mistake, a slip of sentiments. I doubt that any of the above mentioned are true, according to my view they hardly find common activity (apart from sharing flat and bed with each other. Jealous, aren't I? NOOOO! ... slightly) I wish she hadn't revealed her emotions like I do attract her, very much so, and she finds my voice seductive and it makes her tingle or numb to hear it. Oh, shit. Can you imagine that she simply lied about that? Do you think she is only collecting hearts as trophies? I'd love to hate this stupid, hypocritical, two-faced, unstable, indecisive, gullible, impressionable bi..., but I can't. I just can't hate her. Not too rational, am I? I don't think I would be a vindictive-type of person, but somehow she should realize how much pain she had caused to me. Less though than previously, back in 2008, but that was only due to my precaution.

All right. As for the future. I have a book the original title of which is 10 Steps to Positive Living (it was translated into "Bízz magadban!"). It's psychology, describing at length and in detail how to establish our healthy soul by trusting ourselves. I'll try to make her get it from me, and learn from it. I wish she changed! With all my heart! Can you imagine if it is any possible?

In the end everything/everybody could take a turn for the better, I hope.

At the end of my letter, overheated with emotions and full of good vocabulary (Expressing oneself and Character and personality from the Heinemann Wordbuilder, I picked them up recently!) thank you for reading it. Please, please, please! Should you feel unconfortable receiving things like that, let me know, will you? I won't be upset about it at all. I've already planned to visit a psychologist, anyway. To discuss things, though I could handle them now. Stupid greenhorn me! :)


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